Monday 20 April 2015

Need Driven Innovations

Every idea is driven by certain needs. An idea is directed towards finding the reasons for which it must be generated, being it recognizing a problem with the existing solution, knitting the incomplete and missing threads of an imperfect situation or finding new possibilities to the ever changing needs and practices of human behavior to make things better and easier.

There was a time when workplaces were limited to just a sitting arrangement within a work room, with less emphasis and concerns about the human factors which too influence the overall performance of a system. The human-machine interface and its interaction with the environment are the key factors that are now taken into consideration while designing a workplace.

The human effort considerations are now taken into account, as it influences the overall performance of a system. Gone are the days when a workplace was limited to a rigid furniture web within a specific boundary. The human needs are of more importance in the present work scenario. The human needs are the guiding force behind most of the successful furniture innovations these days.

We being into the business of control room consoles, realized that the comfort needs of an operator enhances a smooth operation within a task critical control room environment. An operator at comfort will add more efforts and will contribute to a better and enhanced system performance. 

For the same concern, we have designed a motorized Sit-to-Stand height adjustable control room console for the first time in India, which promotes healthy experience for 24X7 work style, enhancing blood circulation for better performance and maximum focus, as sitting for long hours induces health problems  and makes you body a home of diseases.

Our consoles are designed to fulfill the health needs of the operators and the overall health of system performance. It's a scientific study that says, "one must stand from their work chairs after every half an hour to avoid and control any cardiac, blood pressure and blood sugar diseases". We give a control room console onto which the operators could perform various task critical operations at different height adjustable options without any posture disorders.

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